A Message from Dollface Actual:
Welcome to DOLLFACE6. I am thrilled you decided to join me on this adventure. I am a proud United States Marine Corps Veteran, and former Female Engagement Team member having served in Afghanistan. It is an incredible honor and privilege to have served my country in this unique capacity; moreover, to have served with men and women with high caliber of character who I consider great friends.
While on FET, I understood the scale of what we were doing. I held a robust comprehension of the historic magnitude of dedicated female assets in war. It was an honor to be considered valuable for such a team. It was entirely fun. It was wholly thrilling.
My guests will help me delve deeper into the many facets of war, as well as the underpinning emotions after years of reflection.
DOLLFACE6 brings you its first series, The Dollhouse Institute: War Women, A[n] Historic Record. You will meet the post 9/11 war women who comprise Special Female Teams.
These teams include U.S. Marine Corps’ Lioness program, and subsequent Female Engagement Teams (FETs); Navy Special Warfare's Female Support Technicians (FSTs) the U.S. Army’s Cultural Support Teams (CSTs) who supported U.S. Special [Operations] Forces, and their sister unit the Afghan Female Tactical Platoon (AFTP).
As a historian, I theorize that there is an evolution of Special Female Teams.
The Dollhouse Institute is a media centered historical research project with ongoing investigation to discover the originators of these programs, intended and unintended consequences, and technicalities of these teams. We discuss inception, training, criteria for participation, interest, recruitment, selection, operational activity, utility, and effectiveness in the War on Terror.
Under the arc of Samuel Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations theory, and Frances Fukuyama’s The End of History and the Last Man, I host a segment where I pose a series of True/False questions with my guests. There are no right or wrong answers, but I feel this segment offers an opportunity for deeper reflection.
Are we beholding a Clash of Civilizations? Is it possible that there could be an End of History?
The Dollhouse Institute will seek to answer these questions through the lens of post 9/11 war women and their counterparts. We will discuss conventional versus unconventional warfare, counterinsurgency versus direct action combat, and much more.
The War on Terror, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Operation Enduring Freedom, —what happened? And, what is happening now? Did we win?
Or perhaps, like myself, after I watched the unreal Fall of Kabul on TV on the big screen TV in my corporate office in August 2021, the question became: did we lose? Let’s say I have a theory.
I understood the magnitude of female assets at war in real time while I was FET. Over ten years later, as a[n] historian, it is time to capture the oral histories of the women who made history.
I have been working on Dollface for years now. I look forward to sharing my work with you. Later, I will reveal the story behind how Dollface became my call sign, and how Dollface captures the essence of this project and the mission of special female teams."
The Dollhouse Institute is an ongoing historical research project capturing oral histories from Lionesses, FETs, FSTs, CSTs, and AFTPs.
DOLLFACE6 has other series in development with guests you wouldn’t believe.
I am a[n] historian on investigation. I speak to fellow historians, industry experts, and the people who were there.
DOLLFACE6 is a destination for explorers, adventurers, treasure seekers, and gun fighters.
Which are you?
What treasure to behold?
I hope you’ll consider joining me on an adventure. You won’t believe what, and who, are coming.
Subscribe on YoutTube, and standby for the next episode drops, they’re coming sooner than you think.
Join the adventure:
YouTube: @dollface6
Instagram: @thedollhouseinstitute, @dollface_six , @dollface_actual
I’m independent.
I hope you will consider a money contribution—Contribute to historic record using the Monetary Contribution to Historic Record Form.
Pax Hominibus Bonae Voluntatis
Dollface Actual